KCØMAX Amateur Radio Pages: WinMorse 2  




Preparing 8-bit WAV files for 16-bit MP3 Conversion 


Winmorse 2 is a terrific free program (you can download here for free from Mark Bellamy), but because of the problem inherent in building proprietary MP3 capability into a freeware program, it will not save files in MP3 format. I wanted to convert WAV files to MP3 to save hard disk space and to be able to place several hours of Morse practice on a single CD. After some searching I have found a free and easy workaround, at least in Windows XP.

Here's how to convert the 8-bit WAV files generated by Winmorse 2 into the 16-bit files required for MP3 conversion: Open your Winmorse 2 generated WAV files in the Windows Sound Recorder program under Programs>Accessories>Entertainment. Once you have the file open, go to File>Properties, then select Format Conversion>Playback formats>Convert Now and then select one of the 16-bit formats from the drop-down window. Be save ro resave the converted file. Then you have a data compatible format for whatever MP3 conversion program you might use. I use MusicMatch Jukebox, by the way, which I find quite versatile. It is not freeware, but comes bundled with many new computer systems, and is relatively cheap to buy as a stand-alone produce. It is a good program for ripping, burning, and organizing your CD collection on your PC.



When converting to MP3 format, make sure to select the lowest quality you can live in order to achieve the smallest file size (I use 20 kbps -- fortunately, Morse translates quite well to low quality files. Also, when converting text in WinMorse 2 to WAV files, check FILTER on the dialogue box -- it will greatly improve the quality of the signal. If not, you might notice some harsh squawking tones. 




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